Work in progress! After so many months of editing and writing, we’re finally printing! Our NEW book is coming… We’re looking forward to share our work with all of you! Stay tuned, more news very soon. Photos, Stéphanie...
After working for several months in the field, my kangaroo story is now published in the February issue of National Geogrpahic Magazine. The story is written by Jeremy Berlin, in a perfect and professional way, as usual. However, from what I’ve learnt during...
Stefano’s new otter story appears in the January issue of Terre Sauvage, with a text signed by Stéphanie… Stefano spent three weeks following the Bishan group, the most well-known otter family in Singapore. Once thought to be extinct, after its absence in...
We’ve some nice news regarding our Little Wild Gallery. Firstly, our ‘little’ photo gallery is becoming bigger: we’ve added one exibith room and it’s looking so beautiful. Come to have a look! We’ve also totally redesigned its...
The December issue of the french magazine Terre Sauvage celebrates nature photography, and Stefano has been chosen as special guest. For this ‘Photo issue’, the magazine features Stefano’s work with a portfolio, a photo story, a long interview and...