In April, Stefano Unterthiner continued to appear in the Italian TV-SHOW “Animali e Animali” hosted by Licia Colò. During the show broadcasted on Friday 20th May, 10.00 am (RAI 3), Stefano will talk about his work on red fox and his last book. Go to...
Stefano Unterthiner has returned from Vietnam, where he has been working on an assignment for Airone magazine. Here Stefano and his guide Ngo Van Kiet in a forest of Cuc Phuong N.P....
Stefano Unterthiner appears in the Italian TV-SHOW “Animali e Animali”. The show is hosted by Licia Colò and is broadcasted on Wednesday 23rd February, 09.50 am, on RAI 3. Stefano talks about his assignment in India where he photographed the wildlife...
The French magazine Terre Sauvage, featured Stefano images of the Italian Alps for their agenda 2005; the magazine, produced also a poster with a new Stefano image of red fox cubs playing. ...