Stefano Unterthiner appears in the Italian TV-SHOW “Animali e Animali”. The show is hosted by Licia Colò and is broadcasted on Wednesday 23rd February, 09.50 am, on RAI 3. Stefano talks about his assignment in India where he photographed the wildlife...
The French magazine Terre Sauvage, featured Stefano images of the Italian Alps for their agenda 2005; the magazine, produced also a poster with a new Stefano image of red fox cubs playing. ...
In November, the popular German magazine Naturfoto featured Stefano images on chamois in their monthly portfolio. Moreover, Stefano’s picture story on Italian Alps is published in the special issue of Terre Suavage....
The 19-20-21 November 2004, there will be an exhibition by Stefano Unterthiner at the nature photo festival of Montier-en-Der (France); the exhibit will be produced with a selection of images from the new book “Fred, storia di una volpe di montagna”....