An update from Svalbard

An update from Svalbard

During May, Stefano successfully completed the 1st “Masterclass on-board” expedition together with Arctic wildlife tours. We’ve had an amazing trip in the South Svalbard, with a nice group of passionate people and several great photo opportunities...
Exhibit and presentations

Exhibit and presentations

A few upcoming appointments to meet Stefano and admire his work. – From March 19th to June 26th a selection of images from the exhibit “On Assignment. A wild life” will be featured at  “Selvatica – Arte e Natura in Festival”...
Terre Sauvage – by Stefano Unterthiner

Terre Sauvage – by Stefano Unterthiner

This December, the french magazine Terre Sauvage featured Stefano’ Svalbard project (with words by Stéphanie Françoise) with a 28-pages story – and the cover. Moreover, a “winter” portfolio by Stefano Unterthiner has been featured in a special...
WINNER, Wildlife Photographer of the Year

WINNER, Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Stefano is among the winners (once again!) of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition! He takes the top spot in the ‘Behaviour, Mammals’ category with the image ‘Head to head’: a stunning portrait of two Svalbard reindeer battle for...