SUPERALP!3 on National Geographic Italy

SUPERALP!3 on National Geographic Italy

This November, National Geographic Italy featured a 16 pages article on SUPERALP! project, with the photographs by Stefano and the text by Stéphanie Unterthiner.   SUPERALP! is a soft mobility expedition across the Alps. Last June, Stefano and his wife Stéphanie,...
Veolia Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Veolia Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Stefano is one of the winner of this year competition “Veolia Wildlife Photographer of the Year” with the image “Killer in the mist” in the Animals in their Environment category!   The winner photo, “Killer in the mist” (©...
Great media coverage for our bear book!

Great media coverage for our bear book!

For our new bear book and our support to IFAW, we had a great media coverage: the main online news website (e.g:, and, local and national newspaper, radio and TV talked about our latest project. Here a link to the...